the k house

Designed by Ash ton Rag gatt McDougall (ARM), the K house is located at Surf Coast Vic to ria, Aus tralia. The house was named by the first let ter laconic own ers’ names. By the way, the shape of the house and had some items in the shape of the let ter “K “. Although the facade is made with sim ple mate ri als gray inte ri ors look brighter, thanks to the large amount of painted sur faces with a cherry-​​red color. The inte rior design is an inter est ing stand, where own ers hold col lec tion of 5,000 books and is also a small par ti tion. As a whole, the res i dence of K is a unique exam ple of mod ern archi tec ture.


Joel is a contributor on Design-Milk's weekly architectural posts and Apartment Therapy's Unplggd daily technology posts.