yliving contest. we score. yay!

A while ago, yliving was doing a contest thru Facebook: Small spaces. Big on Style.
All you needed to do was to upload pictures to their Facebook page showing how you’re making your space functional, efficient + modern. Contestants who have the most “likes” on their photos by September 1 will be in the running to win $500 (grand prize), $300 (2nd place) or $100 (3rd place) to YLiving.
I guess they liked the idea of making the vanity in our bedroom our home office desk with a glass top. We got second place. Pretty amazing! Now I have to decided if I get the Nelson Bubble Sconce, The Eames Bird (you can't have enough) or a new Nelson clock. decisions, decisions, decisions...

click here for more


Joel is a contributor on Design-Milk's weekly architectural posts and Apartment Therapy's Unplggd daily technology posts.