worth your salt.

The Object Design League, in production with Pavilion, is excited to announce Worth Your Salt, the inaugural design pop-up shop, opening in Chicago for the 2009 holiday shopping season. The shop will feature a collection of objects by 19 emerging American designers, bringing together themes of industriousness and play. Object Design League will also be offering a limited edition wrapping paper designed by Michael Savona and hand screened by Becky Foster.

The shop will open at Pavilion’s storefront in Bucktown on the day after Thanksgiving (Nov 27), celebrating “Black Friday” with an evening shopping reception. A second reception will take place the evening of December 3rd. In collaboration with Subports, a text-to-buy retail platform, products will also be offered online for a limited time.

click here for more

Thanks Steven for the tip!


Joel is a contributor on Design-Milk's weekly architectural posts and Apartment Therapy's Unplggd daily technology posts.