Cowhide Rug from Popcows

With a unique cowhide rug by Popcows, you can cover your floor with a “cow of a different color”. The Holando Park series of Popcows rugs puts a fun and funky spin on the traditional cowhide rug. With obvious inspirations from the Pop Art era, these rugs are composed of stitched 8”x8” cowhide squares that have been attached randomly to create an abstract - but recognizable - cowhide pattern. What really makes these rugs “pop” are the many color options available. As seen here in a deep Orange version, the black spotted portion of the hide can be paired with a number of vibrant hues, including Lilac, Sky Blue, Green, or Natural for a more neutral look. Standard sizes are 7’x5’ or 8’x6’, but can also be ordered in custom sizes

Joel is a contributor on Design-Milk's weekly architectural posts and Apartment Therapy's Unplggd daily technology posts.